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The route passes through Machakhelsky National Park, one of the most beautiful gorges of the mountain Ajara. Once there lived gunsmiths who made famous flint-guns, the swamps of Machakhela, famous for all of Georgia. Riding a moped riders will make the way, which in ancient times was overcome by a warrior in order to get a precious gun. On the way, they will see (and photograph) mountain rivers, waterfalls, ancient fortresses and arched bridges, a functioning water mill, a unique village power station with an aqueduct operating since Stalin’s times, and an artillery battery from the times of the Cold War. On the way, it will be possible to admire the border between Georgia and Turkey from a height of 1000 meters, to get acquainted with a local long-liver (105 years!) And a young blacksmith — a descendant of Machakhelian gunsmiths. Learn how they lived in these parts hundreds of years ago and how they live now, try the foods and drinks that Machakhela is famous for.
В стоимость входит трансфер из Батуми и обратно, обед в аджарской усадьбе. Цена тура для одного всадника — 120 лари (45 долларов), для двух всадников на одном мопеде — 200 лари (75 долларов).